Sunday 5 February 2012

The strange machine

i was on the morden boat to my uncle house.My uncle is an day,i was searching through the attic of my Uncle house.I found the very strange machine with many strange button,knobs,dials,and lever.i had never seen any machine like this before .One side,there was a button that said on and the story start from NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
than when i push that button then the machine is hot.i set on the seat i saw forward button and backward button and i was go back to dinosure and my alarm is ring than the dinosure wake up and chase me want to eat me but i run to the machine and go to forward to 3012 but my uncle machine is broke but i saw a machine that look like my uncle machine so i go to that and i go back home than i tell my dad but he do not trust me

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