I think dogs usually dream that if their owner tell them to look after the house and bark while there is someone who isn't his owner and then he fall asleep. When his owner come back, does his owner hit him? does his owner feed him the food?
About rabbits, I think they can dream and afraid that their owner forget that they can't drink water. If their owner confuse to put water for them to drink they will die because all rabbits can drink only dew.
The last one is deer. Deers usually afraid that if they walk to the river in order to drink the water will they meet tigers? Can they run to escape from those wild animals?
These are the dreams that some animals think about. They dream about these because of their feeling. They can dream about something because they really want those things or they feel worry about those things that is why it keeps in their mind and become the dream for them.
Another brilliant blog Socheat. Well done :)