Monday, 19 March 2012

Experience In YL10 (Chesda)

     In young learner 10 , I had a lot of experience in this term. In this term is very happy than the last term because the last term didn't study at computer room but this term study at computer room. My teacher is fat but his head look like Pitbull and he is so lovely. His teach is very good , his pronounce is good but not clear. The happy time in this term blog. The blog help you to have a good experience like he such as help you to research from internet , writing and thinking about the blog. The computer room is comfortable. The book we study in this term is Hot Spot 5. In this book has a lot of grammar and a lot of popular topic. When I finish this term I has a lot of good knowledge and good experience from this term. If so, next term I want to study computer room again and want to study with my lovely teach again. bYe ByE bLoG :)

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