Wednesday 15 February 2012

My favourite movie

           My favourite movie is Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a very famous magical or wizard movie.This movie has 7 path. There are many character in this movie, there are Harry Hermione Ron Jenny Hagrid Voldemort and Damoudoll The story are short cut if you watch it at TV or at cinema but you can get the hold story read the book. The movie start with Harry is a young wizard his parents was killed by a evil wizard named Voldemort 11 year later a wizard named Hagrid took him to a wizard. the wizard school helped him to used magic. Now he became a powerful wizard with his friends Hermione and Ron he had defeated Vodemoud but many people had died too. At the end of the story Harry married with Jenny they have 1 children and Hermione married with Ron they have 2 children and they lived happily ever after. 


  1. wow good picture and great writing

    1. Hi YL 10

      I am from Yl 13 and i like your post it is short but great meaning!

  2. Hi!! I'm Makkhy. I study in YL13. I really like your blog, and I also like this story too, but i think It should be longer than that, because this story has 7 paths, and you should get more information of that. Try your best!!!!

  3. your post is great and I like that movie too!
    You try to write it longer than that so that you can get a lot of score at the end of this term. good luck for the next post and Iam from yl 13

