Monday 12 March 2012

Dream ON !!!!!

 Animal Dream  

      A thousand million of people believe that their pet can be get a dream. Well ,One cat name Garfield was dreaming , He's dream that he was eating flowers millions of them . He talk to his owner but he can't understand what Garfield wanted to say . Sure it is ! human can not understand what animals say mean right ?? Even Garfield owner don't understand about it , but he try to tell his owner . Animals have dream ?? Kind of . I'm not sure about animals can be dream or not , but I still believed that animals must be can dream . Because animals also get a life like human did . Do Dog dream?? Dogs and humans are not as different as some scientists would have us believe . Our brain are similar, and our reflexes and memory are "wired" in like manners. When the dog sleep , there brain like human . Sometime the dog move there leg or something else by them self. But how can we understand ??? Many animal owners believe their pets dream. Sleeping pets commonly display dream-like behavior, starting with twitching eyelids and facial tics that often progress to animated paws or legs moving in like motion. Dogs, cats and other small pets will sometimes twitch, move their legs as though running and make sounds while in a deep sleep. About the dog , I am pretty sure dogs do.  We have rescued dogs and had many of them that seem to have nightmares and often wiper or growl in their sleep, so Logically we could assume they are dreaming.  I have seen the same behavior in cats as well, so I would have to guess they do as well.